If you want to send money to China using Bank Transfer with purpose “Purchase goods & services” and “Shipping fee”, you need to upload an invoice that meets the requirements.

- What details should be included in an invoice?

  • The buyer's name that matches your Topremit account.

If the uploaded invoice does not include your name, then:

  • We will ask for a screenshot of your online store or business registration number (NIB) that shows your name.
  • If the online store screenshot does not include your name, then we will ask for a Sender Authorization Letter* to complete the information.
  • The seller's store name that can be searched on Google or Baidu.
  • The seller’s name that matches your recipient’s bank account name (if you send money to the seller’s personal account).

    If the uploaded invoice does not include your recipient’s name, then:
    • We will ask for a Receiver Authorization Letter* to make sure that the transaction is valid.
  • Name of purchased item.
  • Purchase amount.
  • Purchase date.

*Sender Authorization Letter is a formal letter from the sender to confirm that the sender is authorized to transact on behalf of another party.

*Receiver Authorization Letter is a formal letter from the recipient to confirm that the recipient is authorized to transact on behalf of another party.

- Example of approved invoice

  You can follow any of these conditions based on your invoice.

  • Condition 1: Invoice with complete details

  • Condition 2: Invoice that does not include the buyer's name but still includes other details.

We still approve an invoice that does not include the buyer's name, but we will request a screenshot from the buyer's online store or their business registration number (NIB) that shows the buyer's name.

  • Condition 3: Invoice that does not include the buyer's name, and the buyer's name is also not included in their online store's screenshot or business registration number (NIB).

Since the invoice does not include the buyer's name, we will request a screenshot from the buyer's online store or their business registration number (NIB) that shows the buyer's name.

However, since the buyer's name is also not included in the buyer's online store's screenshot or business registration number (NIB), we will request an Authorization Letter.

  • Condition 4: Handwritten invoice with the seller's store stamp.

We will approve a handwritten invoice only if it has the seller's store stamp to prove that the invoice was written by the seller.

  • Condition 5: Proforma Invoice.

  • Condition 6: Invoice in the form of shopping receipts.

- Example of non-accepted invoice

  • Invoice with incomplete details

This invoice doesn’t include item details, so it cannot be accepted.