You can send this article to your recipient if they have not confirmed the transaction.

There are 2 methods that recipient could follow to confirm the transaction:

  1. Via recipient’s WeChat app 

  1. Open the 微汇款 (Weihuikuan) menu
  2. Select 全球收款 (Global Remittance)
  3. Select 手机号收款 (Receive Money via Phone Number)

b.  Via verification link sent to recipient’s SMS

Once the transaction is made, the recipient will receive a verification link via SMS sent to the recipient's phone number.

  1.  Click on the verification link sent to recipient’s SMS

  1.  Make sure the amount of money to be received is correct

  1.  Allow registered WeChat Pay phone number to receive money

  1.  Read and agree recipient’s personal information authorization

  1. Choose recipient’s bank account that will receive the money

  1. Fill in recipient’s personal information

  1. Read and agree to WeChat Pay service agreement

  1. Recipient will receive money in few minutes

  2. Once transaction is successful, recipient will receive the following notification

If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support and they will reply shortly during our working hours on Monday-Sunday: 09:00-17:00 (GMT+7).