Here are some steps for recipient to receive money in Alipay:

1. Recipient opens the Alipay app, and goes to 转账 (Transfer) 跨境汇款 (Cross-border remittance).

2. Recipient selects 闪速汇款 (Quick remittance), and then selects 我是收款人 (I am a recipient).

3. Recipient chooses a default receiving method, Alipay account balance or bank account. Recipient can also manage the order of receiving methods.


If the recipient chooses Alipay account balance and receives money into their Alipay balance for the first time, the recipient needs to activate their Alipay account balance by filling in some additional information. See how to activate Alipay account balance.

If the recipient chooses a bank account and receives money into their bank account for the first time, the recipient needs to link their card with Alipay. See how to link the card.


4. After the sender sends money into the recipient's wallet balance or bank account assigned by the recipient, the recipient can view the remittance history and remittance details. 

5. The recipient needs to declare the funding source by going to the 我是收款人 (I am a recipient) page, clicking 去申报 (Declare)  自主申报 (Self-declare), and selecting the relevant information from the available options.

This can be done via:

  • SMS: Includes a link to the Quick Collect mini-app.
  • Alipay notification: Appears on the Alipay service notification page.

Also please note that the supporting documents must be in JPG or PNG format with a maximum file size of 10MB.